3 Do NOTs for Treating Burns

treat burns

Over the years, you’ve probably picked up some homeopathic remedies to treat different illnesses or conditions at home. No doubt those tried-and-true methods work for many issues, but when it comes to treating burns, you want to make sure you respond with the right first aid approach especially because burns can be so painful and damaging to the skin. Your best bet for burn treatment is to be seen by your doctor or an emergency room. But before you get there, here are three things you should NOT do, despite what you may have heard from others:

What Not to Do When Treating Burns

1. Do not use ice. If the ice sits on the tissue for too long, it can cause frostbite and lead to further damage to the tissue. When your skin is burned, it exposes underlying tissue that is very sensitive and can easily become more damaged by ice. Also, the skin surrounding the burn may not heal properly if exposed to ice. Instead, run cool water over the burn or cover it with a cool compress such as a clean, damp hand towel.

2. Do not use butter or honey on a burn. Despite what granny told you about treating burns, butter or honey provides no healing benefits for burns and can actually cause infections, especially in deeper burns. Instead, try using aloe vera or bacitracin for the pain and use gauze to protect the burn from infection. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen, are also acceptable for managing pain.

3. Do not pop a burn blister. Although it isn’t difficult to pop a burn blister on your own, it is recommended that burn victims seek the help of a doctor to prevent infection. Keep in mind that the new skin underneath the burn actually needs protection, so it may be best for a doctor to treat the blister. The doctor can also examine the blister for early signs of infection.

Speaking of burns, check out our blog on firework safety and other topics related to family health and safety at Hospitality Health ER.