COVID-19 as Schools Open – What is MIS-C?

COVID-19 cases as schools open

Doctors and emergency rooms are beginning to see pockets of COVID-19 as schools open. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. What about all the other cases that go unreported because symptoms aren’t severe enough to see a doctor? 

It’s easy to shrug away symptoms, especially in kids, who typically don’t display severe symptoms. And the kids that do get sick from the virus generally won’t have as bad of symptoms as older adults. Kids may have a low grade fever, headache, and a cough for a couple of days. Adults, on the other hand, will be sick for seven or more days and present with worse symptoms. Just because someone has mild symptoms does not mean that they aren’t contagious.

COVID-19 as Schools Open – What to Do If My Child or I Have Symptoms 

The disparity in child and adult symptoms makes preventing the spread of COVID-19 tricky. Parents may be sending their child with COVID-19 to school because their child has no visible symptoms — or because their symptoms are too mild to worry about. What makes the virus even trickier is that certain symptoms can be mistaken for the flu, rhinovirus, strep, allergies, an ear infection, or other simple coronaviruses like the common cold.

COVID-19 in kids

But the likelihood that your child has the flu, a cold, strep, or rhinovirus in late summertime is fairly low compared to the likelihood that they have COVID-19. At a minimum, it’s important to keep yourself or your child away from other people if anyone in your family is showing any symptoms. If you have the means, go get tested at a testing facility or emergency room that is equipped for COVID-19 testing and treatment.

What are the Symptoms of MIS-C in Children?

  • Red eyes
  • Swollen hands and feet
  • Extreme fatigue 
  • Unusual weakness
  • Red rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Cracked red lips
  • Severe stomach pain

If your child or teen experiences any of the above symptoms for more than 24 hours, reach out to their pediatrician to discuss next steps. According to John Hopkins, MIS-C also known as PIMS (pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome) is treatable, but it can be dangerous if not caught in time. Children between the ages of 2 and 15 seem to be the most affected, and most children have recovered.  

Is There Treatment for MIS-C?

Yes, if diagnosed in time, MIS-C can be treated.  Doctors use steroids and other  anti-inflammatory medications to treat the child which will reduce inflammation and protect the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other body parts that might be affected.  With proper treatment, there shouldn’t be any long-lasting effects on organs. 

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information on MIS-C as it was first diagnosed in April of 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic. So it’s important to monitor the latest on COVID-19 as schools open. Doctors warn parents to continue to practice social distancing and make sure their children practice social distancing by staying 6-10 feet away from others, wearing a face mask, and washing or sanitizing their hands on a regular basis. 

If you’re concerned your child is showing symptoms of MIS-C, visit Hospitality Health ER in Tyler, Texas. We have pediatric ER doctors and nurses ready to assess and treat your child.