4 Effortless Home Remedies for Research-Backed Relief

home remedies

Long before modern medicine existed, which is to say for the vast majority of human history, people have turned to what we now call “home remedies” for relief. Some home remedies, like chicken soup, have been used across many cultures because they work, and modern science is only recently starting to piece together a picture of how. Other home remedies, like preventing nosebleeds with a red-hot poker or treating asthma by smoking cigarettes, you may not have heard of because they don’t work and also make the situation much, much worse in ways that people of the past could not understand.

We’re lucky to live in a time when we have access to both home remedies and the precision of medical treatment, and the price we pay is the slight hassle of deciding which home remedies to turn to when we have minor but uncomfortable aches, ailments, and pains, and which home remedies should stay in history.

Here are four of our favorites that you can add to the list of home remedies to keep on hand for for inflammation, upset stomach, joint pain, and migraines. Each of these home remedies is science-backed, easy as could be, downright pleasant, inexpensive, unlikely to cause any harm, and best of all: they work. 

Turmeric for Inflammation

Turmeric is one of our favorite health hacks, and its anti-inflammatory properties earn the mild, golden spice from ancient India a spot on our list of natural remedies as well. Turmeric is high in curcumin, which in one study was found to be a more effective anti-inflammatory agent than ibuprofen. If you consistently consume just 1/2 to 1 1/2 tsp. of turmeric per day, within a month or two your reward will be health benefits you should be able to notice.  

You can read all about the health benefits of turmeric, along with our tips on how to get the most out of your turmeric, here!

Ginger for the Gut

If you have an upset stomach, ginger — the other golden spice from ancient India —  can make you feel better. Ginger is mercifully easy to prepare as a tea, even if you’re feeling nauseous: grate or chop ginger root into a pot of boiling water, let it boil, strain, and enjoy! Some people like adding honey, lemon, cinnamon, or all three into the mix to adjust the flavor, which you can further adjust by boiling longer for stronger tea. 

Even if you choose the path of minimal effort, your reward will likely be some badly-needed relief. Research has confirmed that ginger soothes symptoms of motion sickness, morning sickness, nausea and reduces the vomiting and cold sweats that tend to follow. We don’t know exactly how yet, but we do know it does work, and that’s usually enough when you or a family member has a tummy ache.

As a bonus, ginger also protects against heart disease, wards off colds, and has anti-inflammatory properties, too!

A Brisk 9-Minute Walks for Stiff Joints

If you have stiff joints, one study found that spending 9 minutes a day, or an hour per week, walking briskly can bring some relief and reduce your chances of experiencing arthritis-related mobility problems by 85%. Walking at the pace of a person who’s late for an important meeting applies mechanical pressure on your joints, which is great for the cartilage cells that protect your joints from damage and inflammation. As a bonus, you reap all the other great health benefits that follow a walking habit.

The Smell of Lavender for Migraines

Lavender essential oils smell amazing, but never will they smell better than the moment you have a migraine and turn to lavender essential oils for relief —  and it works. Inhaling lavender essential oils for 15 minutes has been shown to reduce the severity of migraines

When Not To Opt for A Home Remedy

Home remedies can be a great source of relief when you’re not feeling your best, but only when the remedy itself doesn’t cause more harm. Talk to your doctor before choosing a home remedy over medical care if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • A new pain
  • Severe, enduring pain
  • Trouble breathing, eating, drinking, or keeping fluids down
  • An existing condition is worsening rather than getting better

For more topics related to health and wellness, follow along with our Hospitality Health ER blog!  We’ve recently covered other topics relating to your body’s adaptations to temperature extremes in “The Surprising Health Benefits of Saunas” and  “Can Summer Heat Literally Drive People Crazy? Exploring the Mental Health Impact of High Temperatures.”. For giveaways, updates, and COVID-19 tips, like us on Facebook and Instagram.