7 Hydrating Foods to Enjoy on the Beach

hydrating foods

When you’re enjoying some time under the hot Texas sun or having a particularly active day, it’s important to stay hydrated. Dehydration can contribute to heat cramps, heat stroke, or heat exhaustion — not a good way to end a day at the beach! But we all know how water can get boring. The good news is that there are so many hydrating foods that can help you get the amount of water you need while satisfying your taste buds. And if you happen to have kids, they’ll probably enjoy most of the stuff on this list, so you won’t have to continually force them to hydrate.You should still pack a water bottle, but these foods can help you mix it up.

Tasty, Hydrating Foods that Offer More than Just Water

As an added bonus, these fruits and vegetables also supply you with necessary vitamins and minerals that do a body good.

Cucumbers: Who would have ever guessed that cucumbers have a 96% water content! They also contain nutrients like vitamin C and caffeic acid that have been proven to soothe skin irritation and reduce swelling. No wonder people use them on their puffy eyes! If you can’t get your kids to eat cucumber by itself, bring some tasty dip or dressing with you.

Watermelon: Watermelons aren’t named watermelons for no reason. With 92% H2O content,they’re made up of mostly water. They’re also rich in nutrients like beta carotene, lycopene, and vitamin C for healthy eyesight, skin, and immune system.

Strawberries: In a tie with watermelons, strawberries are also made up of 92% water. These berries have made the list of superfoods, and are touted for their powerful antioxidants that fight off free radical damage as well as help build and repair the body’s tissue.

Green Peppers: Along with 92% water content, green peppers offer a long list of vitamins and nutrients like vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, beta carotene, and folic acid.

Cantaloupe: This super sweet melon contains 90% water and an adequate amount of potassium needed for hydration, fluid-balance, muscle function, and bone strength.

Pineapple: Made up of 87% water, this delicious, juicy fruit also contains an enzyme that is great for its hydrating, digestion-aiding, detoxifying, and immunity-strengthening benefits.

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