Traveling with children can be a lot to manage, but safety is always the priority. How can you prepare for unexpected like illness, injuries, or the possibility of getting separated during your next excursion?
Here are some safety tips for traveling with children:
Safety: Whether you’re home or traveling, all it takes is one distraction to lose sight of your child. It’s even scarier when it happens when you’re traveling because you’re ion unfamiliar territory. For smaller children, you can purchase name tags and write down your name and phone number and stick it on the back of the child’s shirt before you leave every day. If you’re in a different country, make sure to include the international calling code for the US on the tag.
Older children can be trained for emergency situations. First, teach them to stay calm if they get lost and find a worker in the area who can help them locate you. You can also establish a meeting point in case anyone gets separated. If you’re traveling abroad, getting your older kids a cell phone that works internationally is helpful in case they get lost. You can also provide your kids with the address where you’re staying and the number to the local police.
Medical Supplies:. Make sure to pack a travel medical kit that includes medical supplies for kids, not just adults. Here are some ideas of what to pack:
- The medicines your child takes on a regular basis.
- Any medical equipment your child needs, like epipens and nebulizers.
- Ibuprofen or acetaminophen for headaches and fevers.
- An antihistamine in the event of an allergic reaction.
- Cough or cold medicine.
Before you leave, talk to your pediatrician for doctor’s notes that may be needed for certain medications and medical supplies to comply with TSA rules.
Know Where to Get Medical Help: Before you travel to your destination, make sure you research the closest hospital or doctor where you can be treated in case of a medical emergency. Make sure you understand how your insurance works in the event you have to take your child to see a doctor away from home.
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