About 75 percent of children

will suffer from at least one ear infection by the age of 5

If your child is fussier than usual and is tugging at the ear, chances are it’s an ear infection. There are lots of home remedies you can try, but for ear infections that won’t go away on their own or that cause unbearable discomfort, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Because our emergency room is family-owned and operated, we put a lot of emphasis on making our ER environment family-friendly. So when your kids or family members are not feeling their best, we go the extra mile to make sure they stay comfortable while you stay informed.


Our emergency rooms in Tyler, Longview, and Location 3 are open 24 hours a day.

Be Seen in a Family-Oriented Emergency Room.

It’s now the third night you’ve been up trying to ease your toddler’s pain and you’re unsure if it’s an ear infection. The only one who can tell you for certain is a doctor— but the thought of a long night at a hospital ER or waiting for the urgent clinic to open is even more painful.

But there’s a better solution.

With Hospitality Health ER in Tyler and Longview, you no longer have to wait until morning to be seen or get stuck hours in an overcrowded ER room with a sick child. You can come in any time, any day and be seen right away. Hospitality Health ER was designed with our patients’ comfort in mind which means no wait times and exceptional care in a welcoming facility.

Without a doctor, it’s hard to tell for sure but it may be an ear infection if your baby/child:

  • Is getting over a cold or runny nose and is tugging at their ears.
  • Seems crankier when lying down.
  • Holds their ear in pain.
  • Is walking unsteadily.

See a doctor immediately if you feel your child needs to be seen or if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • A fever doesn’t go away in one or two days.
  • A fever is higher than 100.4 and your child shows signs of discomfort after two days
  • Bloody discharge or pus comes from the ears
  • Your child has a stiff neck and can’t touch their chin to their chest
  • Discomfort that doesn’t go away in two or three days
  • Signs of discomfort 2 hours after taking ibuprofen
  • Non-stop crying
  • Pink or red swelling behind the ear
  • Crooked smile weakness of 1 side of the face
  • New vomiting.
  • Child looks or acts very sick.

*Notify your doctor of immediately if you have an infant under 4 months with a fever.

After taking antibiotics, your child should get better in 2 or 3 days. The fever and pain should be better within 48 hours and the infection disappears typically within 72 hours.

Ear infections are the result of your eustachian tubes (the small tubes that run from the ear to the back of the throat) becoming blocked from allergies, colds, sinus infections, excess mucus, or smoking. Fluid can also build up when adenoids become infected or swollen.

Ear infections are more common in children because their immune systems are still developing, so they aren’t able to fight off infections as well as adults can. Also, because children have shorter, more horizontal eustachian tubes than adults do, it is easier for bacteria and viruses to make their way into the middle ear. When the middle ear becomes infected and swollen, fluid becomes trapped behind the eardrum, causing ear pain. Pacifiers and bottles can also cause extra fluid to accumulate.

Drink Fluids: Having your child drink plenty of fluids will help open the Eustachian tube and allow fluid to drain. Take Acetaminophen: If your baby is older than 6 months, acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help relieve the pain and fever. Check with your doctor on proper dosage and follow the instructions on the bottle. Use Warm Oil Drops: This should not be performed if your child has drainage from the ear, an existing ear injury, or if you suspect a ruptured eardrum. If all is clear, try a few drops of room temperature olive oil or sesame oil in the infected ear. Olive oil soothes the tightly stretched tissues of ear drum which in turn helps in reducing the pain and contains antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties that fight off bacteria and reduce inflammation. Apply a Warm compress: Heat can bring quick pain relief to the ear. Wet a face towel with warm water, wring it out, and apply it to your infected ear. Keep it there until the towel becomes cool. Keep Your Baby’s Head Elevated: Keeping the head slightly or fully elevated allows the sinus to drain better. For babies, place a pillow or two under the crib mattress so that the baby sleeps with the head inclined. Try Homeopathic Ear drops: Homeopathic ear drops containing extracts of ingredients such as garlic, mullein, lavender, and calendula may also help relieve inflammation and pain.