HHER Emergency Rooms in Longview and Tyler Honor Patient Safety Week

emergency rooms in tyler

Every year, medical facilities across the country, including HHER’s emergency rooms in Longview and Tyler, take a week to drive home one of the most critical issues in the healthcare industry today: patient safety. During Patient Safety Awareness Week, the medical community highlights the need for continuous improvement of safety and quality standards for healthcare facilities throughout the nation.

Because the safety of every patient is crucial, the industry is constantly looking at ways to reduce the risk of errors, injuries, accidents, and infections that happen during treatment at hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities.

Patient Safety Week at HHER Emergency Rooms in Longview and Tyler

As one of the leading emergency rooms in Longview and Tyler, Hospitality Health ER is shedding light on patient safety this March with a few key initiatives.

–  Infection, Accident, and Injury Prevention: During patient safety week, HHER will promote the different facets of managing risk in our facilities including infection control, safe handling of bloodborne pathogens, patient safety in our facilities, and the use of proper protective equipment. Trainings on various topics are also held throughout the year in accordance with healthcare regulations.

–   Error Prevention through Communication: One of every 250 ER visits is attributed to a drug interaction. Because drug interactions can be life-threatening, HHER’s emergency rooms in Longview and Tyler will be emphasizing the importance of clear, thorough communication with patients during Patient Safety Week. We also perform continual training with our staff throughout the year to stress the importance of educating patients regarding their diagnosis, prescriptions, and what steps to take going forward. Our emergency rooms also check on patients after their visit to ensure they aren’t having any problems with medications and also to reiterate any important information regarding their diagnosis.

For more on patient safety topics, read HHER’s blog on preventing drug interactions or like us on Facebook to keep up with the latest healthcare trends.