Straight from a 10-Year Old’s Mouth: “Life Lessons I Learned from Mom”

Learned from Mom

Learned from MomFrom the hundreds of loads of laundry to the thousands of meals prepared a year, we all know how much work moms put in. And that’s just the chores. Now more than ever, women are feeling  pressure to be more involved with their children, according to Pew Research Center. Mothers are constantly helping kids with homework, shuttling them to after-school engagements, and planning out the next few months of activities. In my household, I know I’m doing all those things and more. My job never ends!

But in between all that hurrying around, I find these precious moments when I realize that it’s all worth it, and I manage to give myself a little credit for the great person my 10-year old daughter has become. I often wonder what kind of role model I’ve been and what she’s learned along the way. So I ask her: “What life lessons have you learned from Mommy so far?” Here’s exactly what she said:

Life Lessons I Learned from Mom

#1. Be kind to others.

#2. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself.

#3. You gotta have tough skin. Don’t let anyone get to you.

#4. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

#5. Balance your mind, body, and spirit.

Not too bad of a start! I only hope she carries these lessons through her entire life. As for me, I too have learned so many lessons about motherhood over the past ten years. I think the most important thing I’ve learned so far is this: we can place so much importance on all our kids’ social events, sports, and activities, but what they really want is our undivided attention. My 10-year-old can have all the fun in the world with her friends, but at the end of the day, she still yearns for one-on-one time with me. Just ten minutes at night of reading a book together, saying our prayers, or just talking about her day means so much to her.

So if you’re feeling guilty about not enrolling your kid in this activity or that activity, just know that your time with them is what counts the most. Happy Mother’s Day!

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