What to Do for a Teething Baby

teething baby

Teething, like all other developmental stages, varies from infant to infant. On average, most infants begin teething around six months. While some babies aren’t affected much by teething, many become uncomfortable and fussy. But how do you know if your baby is teething? How can you tell if its sore gums or an ear infection that is irritating your child? If your baby is teething, what can you do to help? Let’s look at a couple teething facts to get you started.

Which are the first teeth to come in for babies?

Some babies will begin teething as early as two months, and some as late as nine or ten months. The front bottom teeth are usually the first to come in, followed by the two top teeth.   

How do I know if my baby is teething?

Some signs that your infant may be teething can include: excessive drooling, unusual crankiness or irritability, chewing on random objects due to sore gums, and sometimes a low grade fever.

What can I do to help my teething baby?

Although teething is a natural part of development, unfortunately there is no one thing that can make it less unpleasant for your child. However, here are a few tips that you can do to reduce your child’s discomfort:

  • Rub your child’s gums with a clean finger or clean cloth
  • Let your child chew on a clean, cold, wet washcloth
  • Give your child a safe, cold teething toy
  • Be mindful of the drool and wipe as needed. Excessive drool can irritate the skin
  • If your child seems to be in pain, give them children’s Tylenol or Ibuprofen 
  • If fever or diarrhea persists, contact your pediatrician  

Regardless of how old your child is when teething starts,, it can be painful and cause your baby to be cranky and irritable.  Loving on your child a little more and trying some of the above tips can decrease their discomfort. Once your child’s teeth have come in, it is important to begin regular dental visits. Always discuss any concerns or questions about dental care at your well-child visits with your child’s pediatrician.  

To learn more tips on caring for you infant, read Hospitality Health ER’s ER Tips for a Constipated Baby or the Parent Survival Kit for Colic.