Celebrate the Magic of Handwritten Messages on World Letter Writing Day

If you’ve ever received a handwritten letter from a loved one, you know how uplifting it can be to open the envelope and read their words on the page. It’s like opening a treasure chest filled with love! And chances are, you kept that letter and still cherish it from time to time.

Now that our friends and loved ones are just a text message, phone call, or FaceTime call away, your child may not have experienced the joy of opening or sending a personalized, handwritten letter. But whether it’s your first time putting pen to paper as a family, or letter writing is a tradition in your home, together, you can craft meaningful mementos that stand the test of time.

In honor of World Letter Writing Day, let’s discuss how you can inspire your child to express themself creatively, deepen their connections with loved ones, and develop writing habits that will last them a lifetime. 

The Timeless Tradition of Writing Letters

Australian author Richard Simpkin created World Letter Writing Day in 2014 to remind us of the importance of slowing down in our fast-paced lives, and showing the people in our lives how much they mean to us. People around the globe have celebrated the holiday on September 1st each year ever since. 

When we take the time to write a letter by hand, we’re not just putting words on paper; we are sharing a piece of our hearts with someone special and creating a timeless connection. Unlike texts or emails that exist on a server somewhere, letters are tangible. We can hold onto them and look at them when we want to remember someone.

Imagine reading a letter from your grandparents years from now—it’s like they’re right there with you, even if they’re far away. And think of how much it would mean to your loved ones when your child sends a heartfelt letter that can be opened whenever they want to think of your family.

How to Encourage Writing Adventures Outside of School 

With our kids going back to school, it can be challenging to get them to write or read outside of the classroom. Homework isn’t always fun, but with the right approach, you can help your child expand their reading and writing comprehension at home in ways that don’t feel like homework.

Writing letters has the ability to improve your child’s memory and motor skills on top of offering fantastic opportunities for emotional connections with the people they care about. But how do we get our kids excited about writing when they’re at home? 

Introducing Your Kid to an Emotionally Rewarding Experience

Parents play a big role in helping children express themselves and sharpen their verbal communication skills, and letter writing is a great way to encourage both abilities. 

Start by sharing your own stories about sending and receiving memorable letters, and you just might spark your child’s curiosity and enthusiasm. Remember, the more you show that you value the creative process, the more they will feel connected to it.

Set the Stage for Discovery and Self-Expression

It’s easy to set up your home for letter writing. Create a cozy writing corner with colorful stationery, stickers, and stamps. Show your child that when they pick their favorite pens, choose special paper, and add their own drawings, their letter becomes a one-of-a-kind form of self-expression. 

Let them know there’s no wrong way to decorate their letters and encourage them to be themself. After all, self-expression is such an important outlet. It helps us regulate emotions and feel like we belong. 

Get the entire family involved by setting aside time each week for everyone to craft something special. You can even have a letter-sharing session after dinner. Soon, your child will see that letter writing is just as rewarding as solving a puzzle or going on an adventure!

Write a Letter to Someone Special 

Remind your child that they can write letters to anyone they care about. Encourage them to write to their best friend, their cousin who lives far away, or even a teacher who makes learning fun. 

Have them think about what they want to say to the person they are sending it to. Your little one could share a funny story, ask about their day, or write about something they are looking forward to. 

Once your child has written their letter, walk them through the process of sending it through the mail. Teach them how to address the letter, put it in an envelope, and how the postal system works. 

After you mail it, let them know that the person they’re writing to will probably write back. Just as their friend or loved one will appreciate receiving the letter they are sending, it will no doubt make for an exciting moment once your child receives a letter in return.

In the end, it’s not just about the letters themselves; it’s about the smiles they bring, the memories they create, and the love they hold.

Happy letter writing!

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