November 2016

Occupational Health and Safety: What Texas Employers Should Know About OHS

By |2021-04-23T17:11:18-05:00November 4th, 2016|News Feed|

Everything's bigger in Texas, including its trillion dollar economy fueled by a diverse set of industries, all made possible by 13.2 million Texans working in environments that range from high-rise office buildings to high-risk construction and oil and gas fields. In recent years, there has been a bigger focus on safety and workplace injuries, with [...]

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need, Doc?

By |2022-04-07T12:52:35-05:00November 4th, 2016|Children & Youth, News Feed|

You probably learned how to get some good shut-eye and how much sleep habits can make a difference in getting to where you need to be after reading our blog, Sleep Right, Sleep Tight: 3 Tips for Good Rest. As adults, we can appreciate the focus, energy, and productivity that comes with a good night’s [...]

Urgent Care or ER Center? How To Decide Where To Go For Your Emergency?

By |2021-06-24T11:03:01-05:00November 2nd, 2016|News Feed|

When your doctor isn’t available, is it best to take your child to a hospital ER, a stand-alone ER, or urgent care center? Let’s say it’s a Sunday, and your 9-year old is limping across the living room complaining of severe ankle pain after soccer practice. What do you do when you can’t get to [...]

September 2016

Torn ACL Injuries: What To Expect

By |2021-04-23T16:51:15-05:00September 2nd, 2016|News Feed|

Our knees allow us to do some pretty great things. Without knees, how would we walk, propose to the love of their life, beg for forgiveness, sit ‘criss-cross applesauce’, shoot a three-pointer from 28 feet away, or kick a game-winning field goal?  But, unfortunately, these miracle joints have their weaknesses and vulnerabilities that can make [...]

August 2016

Zika Virus. Zika Symptoms: On Alert

By |2021-04-23T16:47:59-05:00August 21st, 2016|News Feed, Physician Blog|

As the summer heat continues, the desire to seek solace in cool water areas such as pools, ponds, and lakes increases. The outdoors is a great way to enjoy the summer, however, in light of the media's recent reports of the Zika virus and its detection in individuals who have not traveled abroad, I thought [...]

Electrolyte Imbalance 101 For the Knowledge Thirsty

By |2022-03-17T10:40:13-05:00August 9th, 2016|Daily Living, News Feed, Wellness & Nutrition|

What’s the first thing your little athletes go for after a straight 30-minute sprint in 90-degree Texas weather? Just like a commercial ad, they reach for their Gatorade (or Powerade), guzzle it down, and breathe a sigh of relief. Gatorade was created in 1965 when a head football coach from University of Florida sought to [...]

Sleep Right, Sleep Tight: 3 Tips for Good Rest

By |2022-08-24T10:06:42-05:00August 9th, 2016|Children & Youth, Daily Living, News Feed, Wellness & Nutrition|

Sleep should come naturally— you would think. But tell that to the 40 million people in the U.S. that suffer from sleep disorders, or the 70 million baggy-eyed Americans dealing with insomnia. According to recent statistics, a vast majority of Americans, 62% to be precise, experience  problems a few nights per week. So, if you’re [...]

Safety Rules 101 By a Less-Than-Supermom

By |2022-03-17T10:42:32-05:00August 2nd, 2016|Children & Youth, Daily Living, External Health, Guest Blog|

When I was pregnant with my first child, I relied on my daily visits to to prepare me for the little bean growing inside of me. I read all the baby literature I could get my hands on: Pregnancy from A to Z, What to Expect When You're Expecting , etc. With the proliferation of [...]

Emergency Room Stats for Safe Parenting

By |2022-04-07T12:54:01-05:00August 1st, 2016|Children & Youth, Emergency Medicine, News Feed|

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by advice and horror stories from other parents: “Cameron fell off his scooter and broke his arm” or “Be careful at the beach…Olivia got stung twice by jellyfish and we had to take her to the ER.” 25.5 million children between the ages of 0 and 17 visit the ER [...]

July 2016

Allergies in Texas: A Few Solutions for “Achoo!”

By |2022-03-17T10:43:15-05:00July 26th, 2016|Children & Youth, News Feed, Virus & Respitory, Wellness & Nutrition|

Many of us Texans share a common enemy - big time allergies! We have become all too familiar with the yearlong effects of Texas mold spores, ragweed, and other notorious allergy mongers. Allergies that come with body aches, foggy brain, and sinus headaches disrupt your A game at work, while allergies that cause asthma attacks, [...]