December 2019

What to Do for a Teething Baby

By |2022-04-07T13:33:39-05:00December 11th, 2019|Children & Youth|

Teething, like all other developmental stages, varies from infant to infant. On average, most infants begin teething around six months. While some babies aren’t affected much by teething, many become uncomfortable and fussy. But how do you know if your baby is teething? How can you tell if its sore gums or an ear infection [...]

 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

By |2022-04-07T13:33:46-05:00December 10th, 2019|Children & Youth, Daily Living|

Getting that positive sign on a pregnancy test can be the most exciting moment of a person or couple’s life. But for many, those feelings of elation may also come with jitters about what to do and what comes next.  In order to have healthy pregnancy, here are a few do’s and don’ts. Because each [...]

November 2019

Parents, Prevent Bullying with These 3 Steps

By |2022-04-07T13:35:16-05:00November 3rd, 2019|Children & Youth|

Too often we hear tragic stories about children as young as eight or nine years old choosing to end their life because they are victims of bullying. Many times parents are not aware that their children are being bullied or that their children are bullying others. But with mental health issues on the rise, now [...]

Relentless Tantrums: Dealing with a Strong-Willed Child

By |2022-04-07T13:35:22-05:00November 2nd, 2019|Children & Youth|

From birth, babies learn what to do to get their needs met. They continue this natural tendency as they grow into adorable toddlers.  Some children are relaxed and laid back and only cry when hungry or wet. Others are more temperamental and will scream and cry when they want to be held or if they [...]

October 2019

Preparation Pointers for Healthy After-School Snacks

By |2022-04-07T12:23:57-05:00October 9th, 2019|Children & Youth, Wellness & Nutrition|

School is back in session, and with all the running around your kids do in a day, how do you keep their energy up? Depending on what they eat and drink, an after-school snack can give active kids the energy they need to support their physical activity and achieve better mental concentration. Here are some [...]

3 Pumpkin Patches in East Texas 2022

By |2022-09-26T14:30:10-05:00October 7th, 2019|Children & Youth, Holidays, Local Longview, Local Tyler|

The change of season brings in lots of fall fun around East Texas. And as we do every year, Hospitality Health ER has the scoop on all the best fall festivities. After all, outdoor play and pumpkins are great for our health. So gather friends and family and get ready to make some lasting fall [...]

September 2019

Family-Friendly ER in Tyler Observes National Baby Safety Month

By |2022-04-07T12:25:00-05:00September 5th, 2019|Children & Youth, Local Tyler|

Hospitality Health ER, a community-centric ER in Tyler, Texas is raising awareness around baby safety this month. Baby safety starts the moment you get pregnant, from Zika prevention to eliminating alcohol while pregnant. Then, of course, there are all of the precautions you should take once the baby gets here. As we observe National Baby [...]

Is Vaping Safe?

By |2022-04-07T12:25:24-05:00September 5th, 2019|Children & Youth, Wellness & Nutrition|

Smoking e-cigarettes, commonly known as vaping, has become widely popular. Over the past decade, Vaping has grown especially popular among young adults. In fact, 3.6 million American middle and high school students said they have used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. And it's still on the rise. The number of high school students that [...]

August 2019

Family Meals Month: Benefits of Eating Together

By |2022-04-07T12:26:23-05:00August 1st, 2019|Children & Youth|

Before the hectic school year begins again, it's the perfect time to remind families to continue eating meals together. For Family Meals Month in August, Hospitality Health ER highlights the importance of sharing meals. According to studies, eating together four or more times a week has many proven benefits. #1. Nutritional Health. Mealtimes give parents [...]